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Getting Fancy: And Wine Glasses to Match

Yeah, you order some wine, and they bring you a glass, big deal. But did you ever notice a glass that was a little different than usual?

Fancy wine glasses are the norm for special tastings, usually away from the main wine bar in a special area. But do you ever enjoy wine in fancy wine glasses at home? ...

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Freemark’s 2019 Cabernet Bosché

After tasting a lot of Napa Cabernets, it becomes obvious why the ones that are simply “different” fetch big ratings (and prices). Granted, if ....

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Wine glasses clean in 8 minutes: A high-end solution

If you are using lots of wine glasses to set up numerous tasting flights, you might want to consider a dishwasher with a little more oomph....

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Matsu El Picaro:  A stunning wine from Spain’s Toro

Great wines are often attributed as having Character, Depth, Fullness, and Distinctiveness.  But in a world where so many offerings...

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Wine, a work in progress

"The sun-drenched days of summer are upon us and things are starting to heat up here in Walla Walla, quite literally. With a cool start to the vintage, the warm weather is welcome and helping to move grape ripening forward. Hard to believe but this means that harvest will be here before you know it!"
- L’Ecole Nº 41 Winemaking Team, Walla Walla, WA, 7/17/24

"And just like that we are into June, summer has arrived.
All eyes are on the vineyards at this point in the growing season. Bunches of tiny flower buds, the size of pinheads will determine the size of our fiftieth harvest.
The tiny flowers are easy to miss, as they are not big, showy blossoms like those on many other plants. But these diminutive blooms are as eagerly anticipated as the first flower on a prized rosebush or the bright yellow blossom on a heritage tomato plant!"
- The Alexander Valley Vineyards Team, 6/1/24

"The vines are awake and our Estate vineyard crew, led by Sadie Drury, has been busy tending to them, mowing, and providing mechanical (herbicide-free) weed control. Their meticulous care ensures the health of our vines, setting the stage for the next vintage of stellar wines. We are excited to be nurturing these grapes for the upcoming harvest!
We're also thrilled to report that bud break is flourishing across our vineyards, pointing towards a near-normal crop at Seven Hills Vineyard and a very promising harvest at Ferguson, with only a minor reduction from the winter."
- The Winemaking Team, L'Ecole No. 41, 5/8/24

"Vineyard Update: April Freeze Edition
On the morning of Saturday, April 6th, frost descended on Noceto's vineyards. We experienced 4.6 hours at conditions below freezing, enough to damage buds, leaves, and flowers. But ... the news is good!
Unlike the 2022 freeze, when the vine shoots were running out 2-3 inches, this year's most advanced vines are still in their bud stage. We have some crisped and burnt edges, but overall, the leaves and buds "look okay," in the words of longtime winemaker, Rusty Folena. That said, we won't know the full extent of this year's damage until fruit sets in the coming weeks and months."
- Garrett Linker, Tasting Room Manager, Noceto Vineyards, April 2024 Newsletter